delilahsangels, putin, LGBT, russia, winter olympics, sochi

Sochi Warriors

I’m calling this post Sochi Warriors because that’s the first thing that sprang to mind when I thought about everything that I’ve been seeing on social media as of late and because I’m not really in the mood to be politically correct (contrary to how it may seem; I do usually try to be).

Okay, here’s the thing:

In the weeks running up to the beginning of the Sochi Winter Olympics, people that usually don’t really know/care/have opinions on LGBT (and, in the broader sphere, human rights), have suddenly become social justice warriors on hearing about Russia’s “anti-gay laws.” This term in itself is irritating as it demonstrates an ignorance as to what the law actually is (gay propaganda that may be seen by minors rather than homosexuality being outlawed full stop, as the “anti-gay law” implies. It is important to make this distinction because until 20 years ago, homosexuality was illegal in Russia and so it’s still a bit of a novelty that people are allowed to be actively and openly gay at all in Russia), but also because, just as with Kony and Lee Rigby and all the other big media hypes, people become SO PASSIONATE about something overnight and then forget about it a week later.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that the way the LGBT community is treated in Russia is vile and disgusting and there is absolutely no justification for it whatsoever, but I just don’t fancy jumping on the bandwagon of moaning about it with a bunch of people who will have forgotten about Russia the minute the Olympics are over. So you’ve posted a Tweet/Facebook status about it. Don’t try and pretend that you’re doing it for any reason other than to get a RT or a few Likes. You hashtag your complaints because you want to be in the midst of it all; to sound political and intelligent and humble, but you’re an embarrassment. See, you don’t need to tell Facebook and Twitter that you think Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law is wrong because it’s obviously wrong and any decent human being will understand that. I don’t need to write reems and reems about how wrong it is just so that my LGBT friends know I’m not homophobic or condoning that kind of policy, because they already know. 

If you care about LGBT rights so much, then you’d know that Russia is relatively tame. Hell, unlike 83 other countries in the world, gay acts themselves are not actually outlawed. If you really care then why are you not Tweeting, or at least reading about India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Egypt, Barbados, Uganda etc. etc. ETC. Or are these countries too exotic and not white enough for anybody to care about? And those are just the countries that have actually outlawed homosexual behaviours. LGBT people get pretty shitty treatment everywhere, even if the law does pay lip service to tolerance and equality. Let’s say Putin changed his mind, decided gay propaganda was fine and denounced the law. Life for the LGBT community in Russia would not change! You cannot hold one individual responsible for the attitudes of an entire country. It’s all very well to draw lipstick on photographs of Russia’s president but if he stepped out tomorrow wearing a dress and holding hands with a guy, Russians would still be homophobic!

So no, I’m afraid that parading around Canal Street or posting a few Tweets about Russia’s laws does not make you some sort of social justice warrior. No, you don’t deserve a gold star or a Nobel Peace Prize. No, I’m sorry but two female athletes kissing at the games to piss off Putin won’t fucking change anything for the LGBT Russians getting beat up, raped and murdered daily on the streets of Russia.

Look, I’m sorry. Who am I to talk, right? I haven’t done anything great to help anyone; neither do I blog daily about all the aforementioned countries that treat LGBT people badly. I’m just another angry blogger who writes about feminism and sex trafficking and whatever else riles me. I don’t help anyone. I just sit here, watching documentaries and crying about gay hate crimes and racist hate crimes and women in India. But at least I genuinely care and don’t just adopt a new cause every time the media tells me to. At least I’m pretty consistent with my beliefs and don’t switch from hating Michael Adebolajo to Vladimir Putin quicker than I brush my teeth. At least I’m not campaigning for rape victims in India one minute, and English soldiers the next and then gay people (but only those in Russia; nowhere else). I think even the fact that this post has no structure or calmness or anything that marks it as anything but an unapologetic rant goes to show that I have more sincerity in my little finger re Russia than all of you keyboard freedom fighters put together.

And as for this anti-Putin beer that Brew Dog have bought out, does anybody really believe that it’s anything other than a transparent marketing campaign aimed at getting loads of publicity and money and bla bla bla?! Seriously?! “Aw, look at this lovely corporation doing something selfless and showing their support to LGBT people in Russia.” NO! I mean, maybe if they donate all the proceeds from the beer to LGBT charities in Russia? Or even LGBT charities anywhere?! You know, if they actually put their money where their mouths are and use the beer to help someone other than themselves, sure, great, but I fail to see how a beer bottle with some Andy Warhol-esque Putin stamped across it is really going to help any of the LGBT people scared to leave their homes for fear of falling prey to homophobic thugs.

Sorry but you’re all frauds and I’m out.

And if that offends you, prove me wrong! Use your newfound activist persona to help out LGBT people closer to home, or do some wider reading and educate yourself about other issues that LGBT (and loads of other people) face around the world! Raise money, rant about Sochi six months after the games have finished, do whatever but don’t fucking forget please.

Don’t let Sochi just become another bandwagon that gets abandoned after its five minutes of fame.


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